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의 료_심폐소생 마네킹

심폐소생술 훈련용 마네킹,CPR Manikins CPR Manikins 심폐소생마네킹
Realistic to the eye and the touch, the Prestan Adult Professional Manikin is unlike any other on the market. Available individually or in convenient multipacks of four for class training purposes, Prestan manikins are uniquely designed as a clamshell that accommodates an easy-to-insert face shield/lung bag. Prestan's revolutionary new CPR Rate Monitor allows for instant feedback to both instructor and student regarding the rate of chest compression. This allows each student to gauge their rate of compressions on their own as well as allowing the instructor to monitor several students quickly and easily. And with our patented face/head tilt, the Prestan Professional Adult Manikin simulates the way an actual victim's head would move if he required CPR.

특 징  : 인공호흡시 가슴이 부풀어 오름을 관찰가능
       전자센서 내장으로 압박 깊이와 횟수에 따라 4개의 LCD불빛으로 모니터링 가능.
       실리콘 재질로 비눗물만으로 세척가능
크 기  : 63cm x 34cm x 27cm
무 게  : 약 2.5kg
배터리 수명  : 약 5만회 실습가능